Fortune Nowake

Website Creator.

Mobile Apps.

SEO Optimization.

Graphics Design.

Server Administration.

Fortune Nowake

Website Creator.

Mobile Apps.

SEO Optimization.

Graphics Design.

Server Administration.

SEO Tools & Reports

  • Created By: Fortune Nowake
  • Date: 12/07/2023
  • Client: Personal
  • Categories: Android/Website
See Demo

ShortURL is a URL shortening app designed to simplify the sharing of long web addresses. The goal was to create a simple, user-friendly app that could be used by anyone, regardless of their technical expertise.

To achieve this, the app was built with a minimalist design and a straightforward user flow. The app’s primary feature is the ability to shorten URLs with just a few clicks, making it easy to share links on social media, through messaging apps, and via email.

Since its launch, ShortURL has been well-received by users and has experienced steady growth in terms of both downloads and usage. The app’s simplicity and functionality have made it a popular choice among users looking for an easy way to share links online.