Fortune Nowake

Website Creator.

Mobile Apps.

SEO Optimization.

Graphics Design.

Server Administration.

Fortune Nowake

Website Creator.

Mobile Apps.

SEO Optimization.

Graphics Design.

Server Administration.

QuickBill Invoice App

  • Created By: Fortune Nowake
  • Date: 12/07/2023
  • Client: Personal
  • Categories: Mobile
See Demo

As a personal project, I developed QuickBill, an invoice maker app designed to simplify the process of creating and managing invoices for small business owners and freelancers. The goal was to create an app that would be easy to use, feature-rich, and accessible to a wide range of users.

To achieve this, I conducted research into the invoicing needs of small business owners and freelancers, and identified key features that would be essential for an effective invoicing app. Based on this research, I developed a wireframe and prototype of the app, incorporating features such as customizable invoice templates, automatic tax calculations, and payment processing integrations.

Since its launch, QuickBill has been well-received by users, who appreciate the ease of use and range of features provided. The app has been downloaded thousands of times and has received positive feedback on app stores and social media platforms.

Overall, QuickBill has been a successful personal project, providing a user-friendly and intuitive invoicing solution that helps small business owners and freelancers to manage their finances efficiently and effectively.