Fortune Nowake

Website Creator.

Mobile Apps.

SEO Optimization.

Graphics Design.

Server Administration.

Fortune Nowake

Website Creator.

Mobile Apps.

SEO Optimization.

Graphics Design.

Server Administration.

Health Care Logo

  • Created By: Fortune Nowake
  • Date: 30/06/2023
  • Client: Fara Healthcare
  • Categories: Logo

The health care organization approached me to create a new logo that would represent their brand values and mission. The goal was to create a logo that would be simple, yet impactful, and that would communicate the organization’s commitment to providing quality health care services.

To achieve this, I conducted research to understand the organization’s values and mission, as well as their target audience and competition. Based on this research, I created several logo concepts that incorporated elements such as medical symbols, colors, and typography.

After presenting the concepts to the organization, we worked together to refine the chosen design. The final logo features a simple yet elegant design that incorporates a medical symbol and the organization’s name in a bold and modern font.

Since its launch, the logo has been well-received by the organization’s stakeholders and has helped to establish a strong brand identity. The logo has been used across a range of marketing materials, including brochures, websites, and social media platforms, helping to build awareness and trust in the organization’s services.

Overall, the logo has succeeded in communicating the organization’s commitment to quality health care services, providing a simple yet impactful visual representation of the brand.