Fortune Nowake

Website Creator.

Mobile Apps.

SEO Optimization.

Graphics Design.

Server Administration.

Fortune Nowake

Website Creator.

Mobile Apps.

SEO Optimization.

Graphics Design.

Server Administration.

TruTech Shopping

  • Created By: Fortune Nowake
  • Date: 18/12/2023
  • Client: Personal
  • Categories: Website/Android
See Demo

ChatPro is an AI chat app designed to help businesses improve their customer service and engagement through automated chat conversations. The goal was to create an app that would be user-friendly, intuitive, and feature-rich, providing businesses with an easy way to integrate AI chat functionality into their customer service workflows.

To achieve this, I worked closely with the client to understand their business goals, target audience, and feature requirements. Based on this understanding, I developed a wireframe and prototype of the app, incorporating features such as natural language processing, sentiment analysis, and chatbot customization.

Overall, ChatPro has succeeded in creating an AI chat app that meets the needs of businesses looking to improve their customer service and engagement, providing a comprehensive chat solution that is user-friendly, intuitive, and feature-rich.